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people around a playground

Grants and Donations

Yes, We Advance Financial Health.

Our mission is to improve Maine’s financial health- one person, one business, and one community at a time. We believe that if we pull together, building prosperity for all, we can Move Maine Forward.

Grants and Donations

We support Maine’s prosperity by supporting you, our nonprofit partners.

We fund everything that prospers a community, from basic needs for individuals to training for Maine’s small businesses. Knowing the challenges of our State, we place special emphasis on workforce development and financial education.

Four women holding Yes to Community sign

Yes! We Give.

Submit an application and let us help you Move Maine Forward. If you are interested in applying, please submit an application using Chrome or Firefox.

three people holding an orange sign that says "yes! to community"

Donations, Pledges, Sponsorships, and Capital Campaigns

Requests for donations of $100 or greater.

Little boy with grain

The Community Development Grant

Helping those who need it most.

Three people holding life vests and canoe paddle

Request Volunteers

Our employees are our greatest asset, and we are giving them to you.

Machias bank fallback image

Past Winners

View Our Past Community Development Grant Recipients

View Winners Of the 2023 Community Development Grant

Watch Our Impact Stories

For more impact stories, visit our YouTube channel

Overhead view of town with Yes in big orange letters
Volunteer walking through door
a town with multiple buildings and greenery, with the text "women for healthy rural living"
Mom and daughter looking at computer

Financial Health

We want to provide you the resources to reach your financial goals.

Learn More about our financial health resources
Maine coast

About Us

Learn about the Bank of “Yes!”, what we offer, and the people we serve.

About Us at Machias Savings Bank
Maine lighthouse

Our Leadership

Meet our team of leaders committed to moving Maine forward.

Learn More about Machias Savings Bank’s leadership team
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